One of my favorite treats that I’ve grown to love in Taiwan is the roasted sweet potato. Vendors sell them everywhere, in the park, on the sidewalks, in small storefronts, night markets… Not only do they taste great, they’re good for you. The locals believe it is one of their secrets to longevity, health and a youthful appearance.

Now I’m not talking about eating them at your favorite restaurant smothered in butter and sugar. I’m talking about eating them plain right from a brown bag while walking along enjoying the day. Don’t get me wrong, I used to enjoy loading on the butter and sugar myself, but adding butter and sugar just diminishes the health benefit. Besides, I’ve come to realize that the natural flavor is sweet enough to enjoy on its own. After all, why do you think they call them sweet potatoes?

There are two ways to eat them. You can peel away the skin and just eat the sweet soft creamy center, or if you enjoy the skin like me, you can just bite right in and eat the whole thing. I personally believe the skin holds even more nutrients and I just like the roasted flavor of the skin. Don’t worry about germs, the heat from roasting will kill most every germ.

So come on, dig in. How often do find something that tastes this good and is actually good for you! This is truly like having your cake and eating it too.